Sunday, April 25, 2010


Produced by Patrick Adams, soul genius and one half of P&P Records
From the album Atmosphere Strut, which was the only full length album they put out. The other recognizable track on the album is "Disco Juice", you may have heard it sampled by Mighty Dub Katz (Which just reminds me of Riverside, California in the late 90's for some reason...?)

Disco Juice-1977
Dust to Dust-1977

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This was the ultimate cherry on top...I flew into Oakland Sunday night after my So Cal adventures and went straight to Li Po Lounge in Chinatown for our weekly party. I had my dates "Alexander O'Neil" AKA Glen and Dj Homero Espinosa...Found a basement crackin' with dancers and Dj B.cause primed and ready to hit the turntables. Highlights of the night was B.Cause playing Dayton "Sound Of Music" and this "Baby You're The One" by Wynd Chymes I threw down my favorite "Diva Funk" set which had alot of Cherelle and Alexander, Teena Marie, S.O.S. Band, Maryjane Girls, Vicky D etc...I Love my Sweater Funk family!


Had the pleasure of playing with Beatnick and DJ Neva (Las Vegas) in San Diego on my birthday...Always a good time at Bar Dynamite. Alot of love from the crowd and the oh so common "I looked up at the booth and to my suprise saw a blonde girl boppin' behind the decks" Love my life. Definitely the best birthday I have ever had.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friday Apr. 9th-Birthday Celebration LA Edition

Every birthday I've had since I started DJing, I've been fortunate enough to play with awesome DJs. First year with Toph 1 and DJ Proof, 2nd year with Dj Beatnick and J-heart, and this year...see above. WOW. Feeling very grateful! This is the first party of the kick-off for my birthday celebration.